The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy, Vol 2


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by Donald H. Tuck

Price: $41.00 (Includes free media rate shipping within the US. Please contact us for shipping costs to other destinations or wholesale/bulk orders. International shipping can unfortunately be quite costly; you may do better through local bookstores. Also available to order by mail.)



Print Edition

This title is also available in print in hardback.

More by Donald H. Tuck

The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy, Vol 1

The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy, Vol 2

The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy, Vol 3

The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy, 3-Volume Set

This massively comprehensive, Hugo-award-winning work in three volumes of science fiction and fantasy bibliography through 1968 is already a library standard. Large 8.5 x 11 inch pages in two columns of small print.

Note that the ebook editions are digital replica editions—PDFs—not ordinary epub/mobi type books, because of the difficulty of getting accurate scanned text from this complex layout and small print. Thus you can read the books by seeing an actual image replica of each hardback page, however the invisible underlying text used for searching or copying will contain typos.

The Encyclopedia is comprised of:

Volume 1, Who's Who and Works, A-L. [298 pp., 1974]

Volume 2, Who's Who and Works, M-Z. [252 pp., 1978]

Volume 3, Paperbacks and Miscellaneous. [398 pp., 1982]

Volumes 1 and 2 consist of an alphabetical listing of hundreds of authors, anthologists, editors, artists, etc., with biographical sketches where available, and compilations of their science fiction and fantasy works. The contents of most collections and anthologies are listed. In most cases the entries include bibliographic data for all known English-language editions and forms, as well as some foreign translations. Each author's entry also includes listings of books and short stories which form connected series, such as Robert Heinlein's famous Future History.

Volume 3 includes checklists of magazines with history, reviews, and notable fiction; paperbacks listed by author, publisher, and title; pseudonyms; series and connected stories; and general entries such as lists of Hugo winners, Dr. Who programs, book club selections, Star Trek programs, noteworthy films, and certain fanzines. This volume took the Hugo award for Best Non-Fiction at the 1984 World Science Fiction Convention (we like to think that the Hugo was really earned by the three-volume set as a whole).

Save ten dollars by ordering all three volumes together.


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